The Kenya Metereological Department
Kenya Metereological Department
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Providing Weather and Climate Information Services for Sustainable Development

Welcome to Kenya Metereological Department

Introducing online Kenya Metereological Department services. Apply and pay for the services conveniently through your eCitizen account


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About Kenya Meteorological Department

The KMD provides timely early warning weather and climate information for safety of life, protection of property and conservation of the natural environment. This mandate is anchored on Executive Orders on the structure and organization of the Government of Kenya and the World Meteorological Organization Convention.

Kenya Metereological Department

Online Services

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Conference Booking

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Enhancing operational knowledge and techniques to improve the understanding of weather and climate applications.

The Kenya Meteorological Department delivers meteorological and climatological services to sectors like agriculture, forestry, water resource management, civil aviation and the private sector.

Kenya Metereological Department